LoginTimer 9.3
6.5 MB

LoginTimer 9.3

Y2K38 technology discovery, automatically scans Windows computer login times
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6.5 MB

loginTimer is powerful software that automatically scans your Windows computer login times and secretly stores them for you in a private text file, in addition to all users' login date, time, total logins each day/user, admin actions, login behavior (local and remote) and saves them continuously, one by one, in a private log file. This makes it easy for you to identify any suspicious activity on your computer and take appropriate action if necessary. It included the first successful discovery of Y2K38 technology. It works up to 2099 or after, with no Y2K year limitations.

Portable in computer drive. Works in any of your personal folder in computer other than Windows system drive. This works only in the computer hard drive. Do not run this software from any other external hard drives or pen drives. Place the loginTimer folder in any drive (Eg: E:\\your folder\loginTimer) or inside sub folders you choose. (Eg: E:\\your folder\loginTimer not in C:\\ drive or Windows installed drive). Also it should be any of the folders, not to place directly in drive because privacy you only knows where the program location. You can rename loginTimer folder name to any name. First time you must activate Run as administrator, loginTimer.exe. Log file including login statistics will be created regarding current User Account whenever the computer login happens. Another new entries will include next entries automatically. Apply Run as administrator, if you changed the folder.

About Logs
Thursday 13 - 2 - 2020 | 2 : 0 : 49 AM 1 Admin [Activated Info,Path changed], LoginBehaviour: Interactive | Domain: User-PC | AuthenticationPackage: NTLM | Server: USER-PC
Logs represent:
Date (day, month, year) and Time, Total logins each day, Admin actions, Login behavior.

Specification: English. (log file is ready only attribute, do not manually change/update log file.).
Recommended 64 Bit OS: Windows 8/10/11/Server, 32/64 or Windows 7 Ultimate 64 SP1-IE11(Latest Service Pack .NET).


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